Fifth cohort students send postcards from Glasgow and Bremen

The spring days seem to be here to stay, also in Glasgow and Bremen. The academic paths in the UK and in Germany are very different though, and while the students at the University of Glasgow finish their commitments by May, those students who have chosen the University of Bremen for the courses of the second semester have started in April and will finish around mid-July.

The semester in Glasgow has been delivered completely online. However, students were so willing to be together that they decided to travel there, despite the difficult situation at the beginning of the year. In Bremen, the second semester will be also offered remotely, but in this case only few students have moved there so far. For this reason, academic and social meetings are taking place through their screens still. After more than one year of restrictions to cope with the pandemic, we hope face-to-face social gatherings, lectures, and life, come back very soon.

Once the second semester courses are over, students will be be doing an internship, usually online, at one of our Associate Partners. For more information about each placement, please check the Alumni page.

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