Kerstin Martens

Kerstin Martens is Professor of International Relations at the Univer­sity of Bremen, Germany. Her research interests include education policy, interna­tional organizations, in particular the OECD and the UN, and NGOs. She heads the research project on A05 “The Global Development, Diffusion and Transformation of Education Systems”, as part of the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen. She has published widely on the above-mentioned research areas, including in leading in­ternational journals such as Journal of International Relations and Devel­opment, Policy Studies, Human Rights Quarterly, Global Society and European Journal of Education. She is the author of NGOs and the United Nations – Institutionalization, Professionalization and Adaptation, Palgrave Macmillan 2005. Recent volumes she co-edited include, Actors and Agency in Global Social Governance, Mechanisms of OECD Governance – International Incentives for National Policy Making? Oxford University Press 2015, Oxford University Press 2010, Transformation of Education Policy, Pal­grave Macmillan 2010, and Education in Political Science – Discovering a Neglected Field, Routledge 2010. She holds a PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

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