Aina Tarabini

I am associate professor in the Department of Sociology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, deputy director of and researcher at the research centre GEPS – Globalisation, Education and Social Policy ( and member of the Interdisciplinary Group on Education Policies (IGEP-GIPE). My research is concerned with the (re)production and transformation of social inequalities in the daily life of education systems, schools and students. I’m particularly interested in the sociological analysis of the processes of teaching and learning, the modes of pedagogic and curricular provision and the students’ educational trajectories, experiences and identities, from a social justice perspective. Overall, my research aims to connect the subjective, institutional and systemic dimensions of inequality with a qualitative-driven approach. 

In the last years, I have studied the global phenomena of Early School Leaving, which affects the most underprivileged students in the world. I have also been concerned with the study of upper-secondary educational transitions, which have been identified as critical in the reproduction of social inequalities (see Edupost16 project: ( Nowadays, I am the PI of a competitive grant aiming to investigate the impact of curricular policies, pedagogical practices, and students’ social contexts in the construction of the learner identity through the articulation of different learning experiences and trajectories during secondary education (see:

I am also Editor of Critical Studies in Education and member of the Editorial Board of British Journal of Sociology of Education and International Studies in Sociology of Education, Board Member of the “Sociology of Education” RN10 of the European Sociology Association and Convenor of the BSA (British Sociology Association) Bourdieu Study Group. 

Some of my recent books include: Tarabini, A. (2022). Educational Transitions and Social Justice:  Understanding Upper Secondary School Choices in Urban Contexts (Policy Press); Tarabini, A. (2019) The Conditions for School Success: Examining Educational Exclusion and Dropping Out (Palgrave); Tarabini, A. & Ingram. N. (2018). Educational Choices, Transitions and Aspirations in Europe (Routledge).

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