GLOBED hosts its first intergenerational career workshop

On Friday 17th December, the first intergenerational career workshop took place, bringing together students and alumni since the very first edition and until the newest one. In total, around 40 students between the Edition 1 (2015/17) and 6 (2021/23) attended the online meeting on Zoom.

Since this was the very first time that the six generations were meeting, it was necessary to start by introducing who was who, briefly. It was also exciting getting to see students, or alumni, from the same cohort getting reunited again.

The event was proposed by the 4th cohort (2019/21), who has recently graduated in September 2021. Some of them are now looking for jobs or PhD opportunities so, therefore, it was especially useful for them to listen to what more experienced alumni had to offer regarding their professional life after the master’s programme.

We divided the two-hours meeting in four blocks, one per most recurrent job sector. Each block was leaded by two or more alumni, who shared their vision and tips to the rest of the audience. Among other issues, they answered questions about how to stand out as a candidate with the GLOBED degree; how to present and explain GLOBED in a way that really shows its added value; how to make unsolicited applications, etc.

Firstly, the alumni Seun Adegbayo (E1) Diego Posada (E4) opened the floor about Research/PhD possibilities. Also Giulia Montefiore and Elizabeth Ascroft (E3) contributed greatly. Later, Marika Kurkadze, Lea Marasigan, and Jyoti Rahaman (E1) revealed some tips on the International organisations (IOs) sector. In third place, Desiree Acholla (E1) and Paola Marius (E2) talked about the pros and cons in the field of Consulting and Governmental institutions. And, finally, Yusra Akhtar (E2) and Elizabeth Ascroft (E3) leaded the NGO/Non-profit block.

One of the most immediate results of the career workshop was the creation of a new Drive folder to better organise the overall knowledge and expertise, and which includes:

  1. Globedians around the globe: Students and alumni can pin their current location and meet other Globedians living nearby. So far, Brussels looks like a preferred destination after the master.
  2. Globed Board: Platforms and tips for job search; articles and conferences, etc.
  3. Employment status database: To fill with current employment status, interests and contact details.

From GLOBED, our aim is that the two-years academic journey eventually ends up in, if not a dream job, something that looks quite like it.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.