Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Day through the eyes of Xènia Gavaldà

On the annual International LGBTQ+ Pride Day, I’m excited to give you a glimpse into the field work of my thesis as part of the GLOBED master. It explores the strength and determination of LGBTQ+ civil society and social movements in Brazil.

My thesis, titled The ups and downs of gender and sexuality education in Brazil, has guided me on this amazing journey. It has taken me to different places and introduced me to remarkable individuals who have overcome obstacles and fought for their right to education.

Throughout my interviews I have had the opportunity to meet amazing people from across the country, who have spoken up to support inclusive gender and sexuality education. They believe in promoting respect, acceptance, and inclusivity. Today, I proudly stand with the LGBTQ+ community in Brazil and worldwide, working to ensure that everyone can learn and thrive without fear.

With this photos, I wanted to capture the spirit of those who refuse to be silenced, and those spaces that are the exact image of resistance. Let’s honor their bravery, resilience, and unwavering determination.

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride Day! 

Xènia Gavaldà, Edition 6 student

In the 22ª Feira Cultural da Diversidade LGBT+, with Symmy Larrat, the Secretary of Promotion and Defense of LGBTQIA+ people’s rights in the Ministry of Human Rights of Brazil, at the Memorial da America Latina, São Paulo.


In 2023 Symmy Larrat was appointed as the National Secretary of Promotion and Defense of the Rights of LGBTQIA+ People in Brazil. She is the first travesti to hold this position in the Brazilian Government. She is also a leading figure in the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ movement, as she is a tireless advocate for the rights of LGBTQIA+ community.


In the IV National Fair of the Movimento do Trebalhadores Sem Terra (MST), in São Paulo, showing materials from the LGBTQ+ MST collective. 


In one of the five Centro de Cidadania LGBT, at Santo Amaro, São Paulo, after having a great conversation with its director. 


In São Paulo, the biggest pride in the world, this year under the lema “Public policies for LGBTQIA+ people” and organised by Parada do Orgulho LGBT of São Paulo. 


In a discussion about the 4 years of decriminalisation of LGBTQ+phobia, with Symmy Larrat, in São Paulo.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.