Jyoti Rahaman

From Bangladesh

Jyoti RAHAMAN is an Education Policy Analyst based in Singapore. Currently, she leads the programme, research & policy development of the project activities covering 51 Asian and European countries under the ASEF’s Teaching and Learning Programme (ASEFClassNet) at the Education Department of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF). Since joining ASEF in 2018 Jyoti has led the revamping of the whole ASEF Teaching and Learning programme and introduced the project’s current innovative programme track in 3 phases – Sel-Learning, Team Learning and Action Learning programme. She also initiated the publication activity of the project and contributed to several Teacher Handbook development such as the V4IoT Handbook for STEM teaching and the Handbook on Wellbeing of Teachers and Learners.

Currently, Jyoti is leading the programme and research activity of the 16th ASEFClassNet series under the School Collaboration (for teachers, trainee teachers and school leaders) and Faculty Collaboration (for academic researchers and teacher trainers) capacity building track in partnership with UNESCO associated International rESEARCH Center for Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) where over 100 educators from over 30 Asian and European countries are participating.

Jyoti is a Globed alumnus and holds the Erasmus Mundus Joint MasterDegree (EMJMD) on Education Policies for Global Development from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Oslo and University of Malta. She is a member of a group of young scholars in Education called WISE Learner’s Voice, an initiative of the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha, Qatar.

Master Thesis: Re-imagining Schooling in the Digital Age to Prepare Learners for an Uncertain Future: Lessons from Norway

Internship Placement: UNESCO


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.